Versatile Blogger Award!

Thank you so much to Anna at A Wondrous Bookshelf for nominating my blog for the Versatile Blogger Award! It is such an honor. The rules of the award are below:

You must show the award on your blog, thank your nominator, share seven facts about yourself that are different, nominate fifteen blogs of your choice, and link your nominees so that you can let them know of your nomination.

Okay, so seven facts about me:

I have congenital heart block and long qt. I have a pacemaker, and cannot be startled (or I could die!). Because of heart related things, I have had four surgeries.

I am supposedly related to Pocahontas, and I’m related to Robert Hunt. I’m American, but I am very happy to have a ton of European roots (English, Scottish, possibly etc.). Europe has a special place in my heart.

I’m the kind of girl who falls in love with different features based on different characters/people. Thankfully, my hair and eye color=very versatile. My hair has been classified as dark blonde, light brown, and medium brown, and has red highlights, so I can pretty much say my hair is every color. My eyes are hazel with a little bit of grey, but they tend to be brown or green.

My personality is very confusing. My family can’t figure me out. I’m mainly (I think) extroverted, sanguine and phlegmatic, and a firstborn. The first time I did a Meyer’s Brigg’s test, I was introverted. But, the past couple of times, I’ve either been ESFP or ENFP.

Some of my favorite characters include: Beth from Little Women; Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia; Mina Harker from Dracula; Queen Esther from the Bible; Silvia from The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

If I was a character in a book, I’d probably be Anne Shirley (unfortunately, I haven’t read the full version of the book, but I’ve seen the miniseries, which is fantastic!). I got her as a quiz result, and she and I are very similar: we are both extremely dramatic and romantic, love writing, sometimes outspoken, have Ann in our names, etc.

I know what it’s like to loose a best friend. Almost every close or dear friend I have ever had has either moved out of state, gone to public school, or stopped their frequency in my life (not because I’m scaring people away, but because their lives lead them in different directions!). So I really can’t say I’ve had the same close friend throughout my entire life, because I keep loosing them, making them, and then loosing them.

I know some of you have already been nominated for different awards, even this one. I also know that some of you may not want to accept the award. Because of this, I will not be offended if you decide not to accept this award. Some blogs I wanted to nominate already had this award. If I nominated you and you already have this, than feel free to ignore it. I blogs I want to nominate are:

By Hook or By Book

Versatile Blogger Award


Jessica Letchford

Page by Paige

Royal Odds and Ends

Book Blogger Directory

Lemon Shark

In Service to Him

Women of Warfare



Xpression of Faith

Let’s Enjoy~Tanoshimou!!

I really want to thank each and every one of my followers! You guys all mean a lot to me! I feel bad for not being able to nominate everyone, but I think each and every blog is versatile and unique in their own way.

5 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. Hello dear Sis in Christ and fellow-blogger. I am honoured you have nominated me and thank you for the kind vote of confidence. I do not participate in blog awards but your gesture is appreciated and has touched my heart. I dropped by your blog on impulse and was most surprised to see my blog mentioned. Thank you!

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